Musings and lessons

Some reflections and thoughts on unspoken aspects of female life

Menstrual Cycles, PMDD, PMS and reflections

 (A little note - I'm sharing this today on day 28 of my cycle as it feels important and true to me. This is probably one of the rawest and vulnerable shares I've done - so please tread gently)


Something that we rarely talk about, or when it is talked about it's dismissed with a laugh and a shrug. Periods. Menstruation. The Menstrual Cycle.


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Surrender - The Power of Giving Over To




 - Sometimes it seems like a dirty word, but I think it is one of the most powerful things we can do.

Note: This is an edited copy of a blog I first wrote in early 2021. Here again in 2023, Surrender is a lesson I continue to learn and relearn,  

Surrender is my Word of the Year for 2023. It is something I believe in…

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A few secrets from my daily life

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I'm a psychologist and a mental health advocate, and I want to let you in on a few secrets.

I don't do 30 minutes of exercise daily;

I don't practice 20 minutes of mindfulness daily;

I don't set an intention or affirmation for the day before I mindfully get myself out of bed, journal for 20 minutes, and approach the day with a smile on my face - every day;

I do get angry

I do yell

I do get sad

I do cry

I do get overwhelmed

and yes, I absolutely get frustrated, disappointed, regretful, a…

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Where to Begin

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Where to begin?

Is there ever a perfect space, place or time to begin?

This year I have found myself more and more in the place of - the parts of my life merge together, frequently overlapping. And I guess that makes perfect sense - because it is all part of me. I can't switch off my psychologist, thinking, creating, imagining brain when I'm farming. Although, the focus on the farm job in front of me often creates clarity that I struggle to find when I sit down at my computer.

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