Musings and lessons

Let's talk about alcohol

Orange and Black Simple Photo Podcast Cover STEPH-
Which makes me realise. If I find it hard to say no at these events, and I don't consider that I "have a problem with alcohol", how incredibly hard is it for those of us in our communities that have realised that not drinking isn't just an option for them, but has to be a necessary choice? How hard is it for those in our communities who are struggling with their mental health and find alcohol to be a helpful short-term solution, but know that in the long term it is doing harm to themselves, thei…

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Some reflections and thoughts on unspoken aspects of female life

Menstrual Cycles, PMDD, PMS and reflections

 (A little note - I'm sharing this today on day 28 of my cycle as it feels important and true to me. This is probably one of the rawest and vulnerable shares I've done - so please tread gently)


Something that we rarely talk about, or when it is talked about it's dismissed with a laugh and a shrug. Periods. Menstruation. The Menstrual Cycle.


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Surrender - The Power of Giving Over To




 - Sometimes it seems like a dirty word, but I think it is one of the most powerful things we can do.

Note: This is an edited copy of a blog I first wrote in early 2021. Here again in 2023, Surrender is a lesson I continue to learn and relearn,  

Surrender is my Word of the Year for 2023. It is something I believe in…

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A few secrets from my daily life

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I'm a psychologist and a mental health advocate, and I want to let you in on a few secrets.

I don't do 30 minutes of exercise daily;

I don't practice 20 minutes of mindfulness daily;

I don't set an intention or affirmation for the day before I mindfully get myself out of bed, journal for 20 minutes, and approach the day with a smile on my face - every day;

I do get angry

I do yell

I do get sad

I do cry

I do get overwhelmed

and yes, I absolutely get frustrated, disappointed, regretful, a…

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Where to Begin

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Where to begin?

Is there ever a perfect space, place or time to begin?

This year I have found myself more and more in the place of - the parts of my life merge together, frequently overlapping. And I guess that makes perfect sense - because it is all part of me. I can't switch off my psychologist, thinking, creating, imagining brain when I'm farming. Although, the focus on the farm job in front of me often creates clarity that I struggle to find when I sit down at my computer.

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