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Guest podcast interviews, media articles and tv appearances.
Sharing my own personal story, together with accessible tools for managing our mental health is something I'm deeply passionate about.
Have a listen to any of the following podcast episodes, or have a read of an article I've shared to find out more about what I do, as well as tips and strategies to take care of your wellbeing.
Ducks on the Pond - Dealing with Stress
A three-part collaboration with Kirsten Diprose and Ducks on the Pond Podcast, focusing on Dealing with Stress. This series provides valuable insights into the reality of stress in farming life, and practical strategies to manage it.

Episode 1: Navigating Stress
What does stress look like, when is it stress and when do you need to get more help?

Episode 2: Sorting yourself out
The power of small steps: navigating and managing stress at an individual level

Episode 3: Stress in relationships
Navigating stress in relationships: Connecting and supporting during stressful times
Get the Dealing with Stress Series in your Inbox
Sign up and receive each of the three Dealing with Stress episodes straight to your inbox together with a workbook with key takeaways, action steps, and reflection questions to help you to effectively deal with the inevitable stresses of farming life
Change The Picture 2023 Campaign
Change The Picture Campaign focused on redefining the sterotypical images of farmer mental health. Over 50 women in farming across Australia shared their snapshots of what farmer mental health looks like to them, both the struggles and the joys.
Recent Podcast Episodes + Articles
Find links below to recent podcast episodes that I've been a guest on
Life on the Land
Mental health in the bush has long been a topic of conversation, and it seems we are becoming more aware of the particular challenges of the idea, but are things changing quickly enough and is enough being done in rural Australia to help those most at risk?
Originally from the city of Adelaide in South Australia, Steph Schmidt has become a brilliant advocate for changing the narrative and redefining the picture of farming mental health. After overcoming her own setbacks when she moved to the country back in 2011.
Grain Growers Article
Starting conversations about mental health | Steph Schmidt
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