Musings and lessons

Wellbeing Tools

Watch out for the comparison competition

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The Comparison Competition

How often do you find yourself getting caught up in those thoughts of...
"I'm more tired than he is"...
"I'm working harder than she is"...
"They got more rain than us"....
"Everyone else has it easier than us"...
"He gets a break more often than me"....
"She gets to sleep in more than me"...

Yeah.... Me too...

This article is a little reminder that we all get caught in the comparison competition at times, but it's not always the most helpful thing that we can…

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What is Psychological Flexibility, and why is it the #1 tool every farmer needs?

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As a farmer, wife, mum (and human being), learning and strengthening my psychological flexibility have become the most essential skills in my toolbox.

For me, it is about creating space for regular daily practices – e.g., mindful breathing or just bringing awareness to my daily habits (having a shower with awareness); being more open and learning to skillfully relate to challenging feelings – anxiety, frustration, overwhelm, disappointment – they are all going to show up whether I want them there…

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