Your Permission Slip

What do you need permission to do? (or not do?)
Hi dear reader,
Let's just say I was feeling a tad overwhelmed on Friday night. I reached out to some special friends, and one had me in tears with a beautiful voice message where she let me know, "Even if you can't give yourself permission, we give you permission".
*You definitely don't need anyone's permission to do what you need to do (as long as it's legal) but sometimes, we do have to pause and make sure we are giving ourselves permission*
This week's Reminder:
Take 5 minutes right now to pause and reflect.
Consider what is currently on your plate day to day at the moment. How full is your plate? Is it teetering and overflowing, or is there space for something more?
Put your hand on your heart and speak to yourself like you would speak to a best friend.
"I give myself permission to...."
One extra question:
Once you have given yourself that permission. Take a moment to ask "what one action do I need to do today in line with that permission?
I would love to hear back from you ----- seriously, comment below and let me know --- What are you giving yourself permission to do or not do.
Take care of you,
Steph x
It's easy to get pulled into the everyday busy-ness of life and move off track away from what truly matters most to us.
Little Rocks Reminders are here to pop into your inbox once a week with a snippet reminder to help you stay on track, even during tough times.
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